Category: Schools

  • Imagine a class full of teenagers

    Imagine a class full of teenagers

    Imagine a class of teenagers … This is how Daniel Pennac’sbook begins. He describes so well a class full of teenagers that you cannot avoid smiling because despite the years “things remain the same”. Because this is what adolescence is. Any educator -teacher, parent- whose turn it is to deal with this beautiful period of…

  • The yellow post-it (written in pencil by the Harvard Professor.)

    The yellow post-it (written in pencil by the Harvard Professor.)

    I have realized that having a post is like telling your life in chapters. Yes, the best ideas come from real experiences. So today I would like to tell you something that happened to me when I was attending classes at Harvard University. One of my greatest experiences ever is related to teaching. Continuous education…

  • On-line or Off-line Education?

    On-line or Off-line Education?

    A few weeks ago I was told, with a lot of detail, by the Head of a very good school, the reasons why computers were not allowed in the classroom and the reasons why they don’t even teach the students how to use the computer. I understood the second part perfectly:  students are tech savvy;…